Why is money being given away Free? - Revenue Share

 Okay, so the most common question on peoples minds when they see money being given away "Free" is "Why?".

Well, this is really quite simple, its called "Revenue Share". It's how advertising works in the modern age of the internet.

When you visit any webpage that offers you free money by clicking the "collect" button, you will notice that these pages also are loaded with a lot of adverts. Well, the people who make these pages are also being paid each time an advert loads up on one of their pages (usually only around about a 50th-100th of a penny or cent per advertisement). By loading each page with adverts, then this increases the revenue made each time that page loads up.

So, once the page is loaded with adverts, it can only work if people actually visit the page. So "Traffic" is needed.

Now, to obtain thjis "Traffic" and get lots of people visiting these sites, some website owners provide intresting content, ie, News,Funny stuff, Videos, Music Streaming and so on. Now, what better way ofattracting visitors to a website than by offering the visitor money to visit it.

So, as an example: A website host might load a page with adverts so that each time it loads up they earn 1p, so as an incentive to attract visitors, they offer the visitor 0.1p to visit the page. Now because Bitcoin like most Crypto currencies have more denominations of their unit than Pounds or Dollars, then it is better to offer the cash incentive in this form as its more precise. Actually, most onliune advertising agencies actually offer payment in Crypto for this reason. Bitcoin itself actually has 8 zeros after the point unlike the Pound and Dollar whiuch only has two. Each of these smaller denom inations are called "satoshi" (the Bitcoin equivalent to the penny or cent and looks like this 0.00000001 BTC)

So, although these bits of Crypto are Free for you to collect, as you can see, the people offering it are also making money from the transaction.Not just Free money for the sake of it which is usually the concept that most people find hard to grasp.

You can either be the person who collects the small amount on regular intervals (usually a few Satoshi at a time) or you can be the person who hosts the website and makes much more (maybe aroiund a penny or cent at a time)

You dont have to be elite or privelleged to be the person making the larger amount. Anyone can do it. You just need a bit of time and patience along with a bit of know-how, which i shall do my best to explain in this blog.

Alternatively though, you can still make a decent bit of cash from the easier option and just collect the Free bits of currency on offer as there are thousands of sites offering Free crypto, which i shall also show you some of these sites here in this blog.